About Us
Ag Link provides school children with access to a variety of locally sourced, in-season fruits, vegetables, proteins and more!
We are the LINK between LOCAL producers and California K-12 School Foodservice, since 2012!
Our Goals are to
Facilitate New Connections Between Local Producers and CA K12 Schools
Support Healthier Meals for California School Cafeterias
Lower Costs and Reduce Waste for Food Service
Increase Markets and Returns for Local Producers
Reduce the Carbon Footprint of the Entire Process
Our Team
Jana Nairn - CEO and Office Manager
Rob Nairn - CFO and General Manager
Haley Lemas- Customer Service
- Logistics
Tami W - Staff Accountant
Lance Couchman- Sales
Charlene Machado - Acct Clerk
The REAL STORY behind this concept is the farms and the schools...
The farms (our sellers), come from a vast array of different backgrounds. Many are multi-generational family farming operations that will prove to be the most sustainable because they know the importance of local direct markets in the long-term success of their businesses. Most have a passion for the products they grow and know the amazing health benefits that each can contribute to a meal. Nearly all have school-aged children or grandchildren and are passionate about supporting the local community in which they live and farm for the benefit of all.
The schools (our buyers), are amongst the leaders in innovating school food for the 21st century. They know the importance of their jobs to feed so many children every day so that they are adequately nourished for optimal learning and performance. They accept that in today’s economy, they play an even more significant role in feeding many children that don’t get much else to eat outside of school. They work within the confines of a very tight budget to prepare overregulated, well balanced meals to an amazing number of students in a record amount of time every day of the week for more than 40 weeks each year. They are aware of the bounty of fresh agricultural products grown in their communities and are excited about getting them directly from growers.
Founded in 1993, Ag Link’s initial goal was to “link” retiring farmers with entering farmers to transition farmland from one generation to the next. That business was later sold but the desire to help farmers never diminished. Prompted by Michelle Obama's Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, Ag Link, launched its Farm2School e-commerce website and local distribution company, filling a niche to benefit both local farmer/producers and school children. In 2022, Ag Link expanded it's offerings to add new products - proteins, grains, sauces and more - staying true to it's commitment to provide clean-label, locally produced items that are K12 student approved and work for school foodservice.